Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Squamish Mountain Life

A hot, hazy summer transitioned into a glorious fall in Western B.C., and this past season provided ample opportunity to complete my research into Squamish's best hiking and scrambling destinations. I logged many kilometres in hiking boots this summer, gave my suite of Mammut backpacks a full workout, and found myself in some new and beautiful locations, once again proving that Squamish is much more than simply a world-class rock climbing destination.

I hope you enjoy the pictures, all of which were taken within a 30-km radius of town.

Howe Sound from the west ridge of Deeks Peak

Castle Towers Mountain, Garibaldi Provincial Park

Mt. Cayley from Sigurd Peak

Garibaldi Lake from Panorama Ridge

Yellow monkey flower, Garibaldi Provincial Park

Ridiculous teeth

Whirlwind Glacier, Garibaldi Provincial Park

Russet Lake, Garibaldi Provincial Park

Darling Peak (on right) from Darling Lake

Beth Creek, Hanging Lake Trail

Tantalus Range at first light

East ridge of Mamquam Mtn, Garibaldi Provincial Park

Pokasha Creek drainage in autumn

Garibaldi Mountain at sunrise

SE glacier of Mamquam Mtn, Garibaldi Provincial Park

Watersprite Lake

Russet Lake, Garibaldi Provincial Park

Pelion Mountain from Sigurd Peak, Tantalus Range

Gordon Lake below Capilano Mountain

Black Tusk, Garibaldi Provincial Park


Darcy said...

Great photos! Thank you for sharing with us :) said...

These are some of the Most Beautiful images of Squamish I have seen brovo!