Friday, January 17, 2014

Happy New Year! Thank you Mammut!

Thank you Mammut for a fabulous year! Cheers to a Great 2014! 
Reflecting on an amazing year of adventure, friendships, and support from Mammut, I am ever more excited to be planning for 2014. Our trip to the Arctic Circle was a trip of a lifetime, and I look forward to many more adventures with Mammut! I have a deep gratitude for the support and encouragement from Dean Lords, our team manager, and all the awesome staff at Mammut, thank you for believing in me! 

Ladies in the Arctic Spring 2013

Checking out lines at the Trollfyord Hut in Norway. 

Dropping in Whistler BC Summer 2013 

Trail running up Mt. Rainier Fall 2013 

End of the year slide show/presentation on the Arctic trip in downtown Seattle! 

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