Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mt. Washington Valley Ice Fest

Just returned form the Mt. Washington Valley Ice Fest aka the N. Conway experience. It was jam packed with action and blue sky from Friday through Sunday. The halite was Friday, I went climbing with one the the locals named Jim Surette. We climbed a few really really good lines: Remission and Recompense the R2 link up as it's called. Brilliant climbing I was blown away!!

Saturday and Sunday were filled with teaching clinics to some great folks. I had some really fun and eager climbers; I expect to see a few of the young lads on the cover of climbing magazines some day. It's always fun for me to share a few tricks of the trade.

As always it was great to see all my good friends who live in the area and just catch up over a few brews. It was a good showing and I would like to thank all those who made it possible. See ya next year!

Up next I am heading to Patagonia to catch the tale end of the season. Lets hope the weather get better than it has been. So psyched, send high pressure systems down south please!!!

Whit Magro
Bozeman, MT.